Things You Must Know About Brazilian Keratin Treatment
Who does not love to have frizz-free, shiny, and smooth straight hair? Unfortunately, not all women are blessed with such kind of hair by birth. However, it does not mean that you never get straight hair. In the modern era, you get access to different products and treatments to fulfil your needs within your budget.
Whether you have wavy or curly hair, it is possible to straighten the hair and make it easier to manage with the help of Brazilian Keratin Treatment. This treatment is gaining more popularity among women who are more conscious about their hair. This is because this treatment provides so many benefits for the users. But, having enough knowledge about the treatment makes them stay away from potential hassles.
If you are thinking about getting this keratin treatment, read the things mentioned below carefully and pay closer attention to them before doing anything.
Brazilian keratin treatment – what is it?
The Brazilian Keratin Treatment is the modern and most popular hair straightening procedure. This semi-permanent hair straightening method is originally formulated using formaldehyde H2Co or methylene glycol H2C(OH)2. These chemicals are utilized to seal the liquid keratin solution into your hair temporarily. It means the whole process involves a specific amount of chemicals to get the best result.
This treatment makes your hair smooth and soft without damaging hair follicles. So, you will never confront too many side effects after months of treatment. But ensure you take proper care of your hair. Since this hair smoothening treatment adds protein to your hair outer layer, it makes the hair frizz-free and stronger. But, keep in mind that it is a temporary hair smoothening treatment. So, you have to do it whenever you require shiny hair.
Brazilian keratin vs. keratin treatment
Have you ever thought about the differences between Brazilian Keratin Treatment and regular keratin treatment? If yes, then look at the following listing carefully.
- Even though both treatments does the same job, i.e. removing frizz from hair and locking the smoothness, the chemicals involved in the treatment differs a lot.
- Both treatments contain formaldehyde and various other chemicals. But, a keratin treatment is that it contains fewer chemicals than Brazilian treatments.
- Ask your stylist about the ingredients and brand they are accessing beforehand because products of different brands produce a different results. Make sure you get the right product as per your hair type.
- Brazilian hair treatment can straighten the hair or leave it in its original texture. But, the keratin treatment will calm the curls of the hair. The volume of hair is reduced with the keratin treatment, which is the major drawback.
- With the keratin treatment, you cannot tie up your hair once the process completes. However, the Brazilian treatment helps you go back to your normal life and style your hair as per your needs without hesitation.
Remember that you should reach the right salon or stylist to get this treatment because they only use the best brands and products. So, your hair will not damage and stay good for a long time by keeping its shininess and smoothness.